Bicycle – Stargazer Premium Playing Cards

590 ден

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  • Standard index, Poker size
  • Perfect Gift for Playing Card Collectors, magicians, or for cardistry
  • Card back and faces are inspired by the swirling clouds that circle around a black hole
  • Tuck case highlighted by a custom seal and chrome foil
  • Collectible High-Quality Bicycle Playing Cards
  • Classic Air-Cushion Finish® for ease of shuffling and optimum performance
  • Printed on premium Bicycle brand cardstock, Made in the USA since 1885

The Stargazer deck is a space-themed deck inspired by the most intriguing object in the galaxy, the black hole.

Bicycle Stargazer decks remind us that our universe is infinite. And it is suitable for all magicians because their creativity and talents are also endless. These cards are also suitable for magic tricks and cardistry, because the tempting drawings in the style of “space” will give any of your performance charm and beauty of the starry sky.

The tuck case looks just amazing. The front shows a very beautiful Queen of Suit and the inscription Bicycle Stargazer. And in the center is a black hole, and around it is various stars.

On the back of the case is repeated the image of a shirt, which deserves special attention. It depicts two mirrored black holes that look like a lemniscate – a sign of infinity. This is such a metaphorical reminder to us of the infinity of the universe.

Each of the Jokers depicts a jester who is holding a magic wand with a star at the end. These jokers are completely identical, except that they have a mirror color mirrored from each other.

Aces depict the same star as the Jokers on a magic wand. It looks very beautiful. Each Ace depicts a large suit symbol, and it is also located in the form of the suits of all the cards.

As for the quality of the cards, it is as always on top, as all Bicycle cards rely on. Air-Cushion Finish Coating, the sensations are exactly the same as from the “Standards” which is familiar to all of us. Fan and laid out ribbon simple excellent, moderately hard.

This deck is an ideal for a gift or a card lover, or those who are fanatically passionate about space themes.

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Колку чини испораката?

Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.

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