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Star Wars Grogu Flow Lamp

2,490.00 ден

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  • ICONIC FEATURES: The Grogu flow lamp features a mesmerizing design where Grogu, also known as Baby Yoda, appears to be floating with frogs and a Mandalorian helmet in a sea of glitter. This lamp creates an immersive sensory experience by projecting a green, galaxy-like ambiance, ideal for Star Wars and sci-fi fans seeking a unique lighting solution for their bedrooms.
  • HOMEWARE: This distinctive glitter lamp stands 33cm (approximately 13″) tall, making it a noticeable addition to any homeware collection. Besides its primary function as a lighting device, it doubles as an attractive piece of home décor, emitting a calming green light that imitates the luminous shimmer of a galaxy.
  • FLEXIBLE POWER SOURCE: The Grogu flow lamp offers flexibility in terms of power source, functioning either through USB (cable not included) or 3x AAA batteries (not included). This convenient feature ensures that the lamp can be utilized in various settings within your home, providing a relaxing sensory experience regardless of proximity to a computer or power outlet.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED: This lamp is an officially licensed product from The Mandalorian, providing fans with a genuine piece of merchandise that showcases their affinity for the series. In addition to being an intriguing personal collectible, it can serve as a thoughtful gift or present for any fan of Baby Yoda.
  • PALADONE-MADE: This Grogu flow lamp was designed responsibly in the UK by Paladone, the award winning, global selling, consumer products company. Paladone is a renowned creator of pop culture themed gifts, home decor, and unique merchandise such as this light inspired by The Child.


Officially licensed by Disney!

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