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Paladone Star Wars – Tie Fighter Posable Desk Lamp

4,490.00 ден

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  • ICONIC STARFIGHTER: Fighting against the dark side whether at home or in the office, this sleek TIE Fighter Posable Desk Lamp is the ally you need to get the job done.
  • DETAILS: Any Star Wars fan can recognize a TIE fighter, the unforgettable symbol of the Imperial fleet. USB powered, the TIE Fighter Posable Lamp is approximately 60cm high when fully extended.
  • LIGHT THE NIGHT: Use this nightlight as a desk lamp on the nightstand by your bed. It’s a perfect way to illuminate your man cave, bedroom, baby nursery, toddler’s playroom, or themed home theatre.
  • OFFICIALLY LICENSED: This quality collectible is a unique addition to any fan’s set. Give this cool collector’s merchandise to mums, dads, fans, grads, kids, guys, and gals who love pop culture fun!
  • ORIGINAL GIFTWARE: For those in the fandom looking for novelty items and all things geek, crazy, and unique, Paladone is your best source for top-selling toys, mugs, collectibles, and novelties.

Fighting against the dark side whether at home or in the office, this superbly designed TIE Fighter Posable Desk Lamp is the ally you need to get the job done.

A brilliant desk top lamp in the design of a classic Star Wars TIE Fighter, the iconic spaceship can be positioned and posed over your work area to shine light down exactly where you need it. USB powered, the TIE Fighter Posable Lamp is approximately 60cm high when fully extended.

Star Wars has been one of the most successful film franchises in cinema history since its original release in 1977, quickly becoming a defining moment in popular culture. The series has continued to win new generations of fans with each instalment, resulting in a global fan base of millions. From A New Hope and Return of the Jedi through The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, right up to more recent successes such as The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Star Wars continues to reach new heights by introducing great new characters as well as focusing on old favorites.

A great gift for fans of the epic movie franchise, the TIE Fighter Posable Lamp is an officially licensed Star Wars product.

Како да нарачам?

Производите ги избирате со пребарување по www.depo.mk. Секој производ кој Ви се допаѓа го додавате во Вашата кошничка за купување. На крај, кликнувате на нарачај и ги внесувате Вашите еподатоци. Доколку сте регистрирани, системот автоматски ги памети Вашите податоци.

Колку чини испораката?

Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.

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