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GraviTrax – Transfer

790.00 ден 632.00 ден

In stock

  • Возраст: 8+
  • Издавач: Ravensburger
  • експанзија за било кој GraviTrax Starter Kit
  • (за да се игра потребна ви е основната игра)


  • Watch your marble vault from pole to pole with the amazing “GraviTrax Transfer”!Experience the power of gravity! GraviTrax is the all Construction toy STEM track system from Ravensburger! Use your imagination to build superb tracks and set the gravity spheres rolling! Create the element of surprise! Propel the action! The Transfer takes your marbles over a breath-taking gap for a spectacular eye-catcher! Combine the Transfer with your GraviTrax Starter-Set to get your marbles across longer distances. How far will your marbles travel?This STEM system [Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths] is an ideal one to teach kids about gravity, magnetism, kinetic energy and fun. Hit a snag? Freestyle with your own track design or use the tasks and blueprints included to help you to get started in the world of GraviTrax! Are the gravity spheres stopping or flying off before reaching the end target? Time for some problem solving. Rebuild and try something different!The GraviTrax track system can be extended indefinitely with extra track packs and add-on’s – each sold separately. This set is suitable for 1+ players, ages 8 years and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards. This Set includes 3x Transfer Bases, 1x Long Rail, 2x Medium Rails, 3x Short Rails & Instructions

    What makes a great toy? GraviTrax checks all the boxes! It’s a creative, modular, expandable track system that challenges children to use their imagination to design and build their own marble runs! Electronic-free, GraviTrax construction sets use STEM-friendly concepts while building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Completely open-ended, every GraviTrax set has a boredom-busting variety of play options for hours of fascinating fun. Once the basics are mastered, simply add expansion sets and accessories to propel those metal marbles around the tricked-out track of your dreams!

    Comes complete with 3 Transfer tiles, 1 long track, 2 medium tracks, 3 short tracks and instructions.

    Lasting durability for girls and boys ages 8 and up, it’s the learning toy children (and savvy adults) return to over and over again!

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