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Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano Booster Pack
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The flames of battle burn bright in Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano!
Salamangreat is back with new cards inspired by Soulburner from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS! Salamangreat is one of the most popular tournament-level strategies of the last decade, able to dish out 8000 damage in a flash. Its unique “reincarnation” gameplay makes your monsters gain a new power if you use them to Summon a second copy of themselves. So load up on extra copies of your favorite “Salamangreat” Extra Deck monsters!
Axel Brodie was a featured character in the Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box, and now his Volcanic strategy is getting another turn in the spotlight. Pick up brand-new “Volcanic” cards that’ll help you burn out your opponent’s Life Points without even having to battle! You can still go with the classic Volcanic Doomfire, or you can inflict damage to your opponent every time they Special Summon with the new Emperor of all “Volcanic” monsters!
The bell hasn’t rung yet, so get back in the ring with new Battlin’ Boxers! The Barian Emperor Alito’s strategy from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL focused on enduring blows while dishing out heavy counterpunches to his opponents, and these new “Battlin’ Boxer” cards pick up where he left off. You’ll even be able to add “Counter” Counter Traps straight from your Deck to your hand! Any Deck that uses FIRE Warriors and can assemble 2 Level 4 monsters can unleash a powerful new “Battlin’ Boxer” Xyz Monster that can add any FIRE Warrior from your Deck to your hand! Something worth considering for any fans of the “Infernoble Knight” cards from Duelist Nexus!
The complete Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano booster set contains 62 cards:
9 Ultra Rares
8 Super Rares
10 Rares
34 Commons
1 Ghost Rare
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Колку чини испораката?
Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.
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Да, може. Ставете го неговиот телефонски број за контакт и наведете ни дека е подарок.
Дали може да го вратам производот што го купив?
Производите кои се купени од можат да бидат вратени или заменети, во случај ако не соодветствуваат со описот на истиот.
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