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March of the Machine: The Aftermath Epilogue Booster Box

7,200.00 ден

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  • Epilogue Booster Box containing 24 March of the Machine: The Aftermath MTG Epilogue Boosters
  • THE FIRST STEPS AFTER THE LAST STAND—Rebuild the Multiverse while building up your collection in this epic conclusion to the March of the Machine storyline
  • INTRODUCING EPILOGUE BOOSTERS—These special boosters fill in the story between sets with 5 Magic: The Gathering cards in each pack
  • RARES & UNCOMMONS ONLY—Small but mighty, all 5 cards in each booster are of rarity Uncommon or higher, including 1–3 cards of rarity Rare or higher
  • FOILS & SHOWCASE CARDS—Each Epilogue Booster contains 1 Showcase or Retro-Frame card and at least 1 Traditional Foil card
The First Steps After the Last Stand

The battle may be won, but the Multiverse will never be the same again. Many surviving Planeswalkers have lost their spark, though the paths between worlds are now open to all.

Expand your March of the Machinecollection and get your first peek at what the future may hold with the return of showcase frames from across the Multiverse, cards rich with story, and the return of popular mechanics to spice up your decks.

Magic: The Gathering March of the Machine:MAT Epilogue Booster Box

Magic: The Gathering March of the Machine:MAT Epilogue Booster Box

Magic: The Gathering March of the Machine:MAT Epilogue Booster Box

Introducing Epilogue Boosters

Epilogue Boosters continue the story in between sets. Each lore-packed booster grants a foil and a Showcase card!

Desparked Planeswalkers

Many of the Multiverse’s greatest heroes lost their spark in battle. Collect cards of your favorite Planeswalkers as they recover and live on as Legendary Creatures (and playable commanders!)

More Mechanics to Play With

Shake up your games with the addition of mechanics from across Magic’s history and see how they play alongside mechanics from March of the Machine.

Magic: The Gathering March of the Machine:MAT Epilogue Booster Box

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