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Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep – The Exiled Dead
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2,190.00 ден
- A warband expansion for Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep, featuring seven morbid miniatures
- Includes a complete Rivals deck for out-of-the-box play and customisation
- Contains over 70 cards, including 20 universal cards and 12 Grand Alliance cards for use by multiple warbands
The vampire Deintalos dwells in the darkness of Harrowdeep – a lurking menace eager to snare those who walk its labyrinthine passages. His experiences with the Force Dynamic – the arcano-electric force he believes animates all things – led to his self-imposed exile from Shyish, where his brand of necromancy is taboo. In Harrowdeep, Deintalos found an ideal place to hide his grisly experiments, aided by his mortal apprentice in necromancy, Marcov. Deintalos animates recovered cadavers with arcane machinery and the Force Dynamic. These Arcwalkers, as Deintalos dubs them, act in eerie unison to tear apart their foes. With their mindless assistance, Deintalos means to dissect every secret of the abyssal labyrinth in which he dwells.
The Exiled Dead are aggressive, but flexible enough to keep your opponents on their toes and play for objectives. Once you get your shambling fighters into a good position, they’ll be tough to tackle. To this end, Deintalos has an ability that will keep them all moving, activating multiple Arcwalkers at once. This box includes a complete Rivals deck, plus loads of extra cards allowing you to try out a few tricks, as well as universal cards and Grand Alliance cards to use with your other warbands.
This set contains:
– 7x push-fit Exiled Dead miniatures – no glue required to assemble, cast in a cadaverous grey to stand out even when unpainted
– 7x fighter cards, one for each warrior in the warband – Deintalos the Exile, the Prentice Markov, the Deadwalker Regulus, and the Arcwalkers Vlash, Bault, Coyl, and Ione.
– 65 cards to enhance your fighters and provide new tactics and challenges for your games of Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep, including:
– 12x Exiled Dead objective cards
– 10x Exiled Dead upgrade cards
– 10x Exiled Dead gambit spell and ploy cards
– 6x Universal objective cards, usable by any warband
– 7x Universal upgrade cards, usable by any warband
– 7x Universal gambit cards, usable by any warband
– 12x Grand Alliance cards, usable by any warband belonging to the specified Grand Alliance
– 1x Exiled Dead Warband Background / Rivals Deck Card
Miniatures in this box are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel paints.
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Колку чини испораката?
Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.
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Во зависност од местото каде треба да се достави, нарачките стигнуваат во период од 2 до 5 работни денови
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Дали може да го вратам производот што го купив?
Производите кои се купени од можат да бидат вратени или заменети, во случај ако не соодветствуваат со описот на истиот.
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