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Warhammer: The Old World Core Set – Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition
Помини врз сликата за зумирање
11,490.00 ден
This boxed set contains 76 multipart plastic Citadel Miniatures:
– 1x Lord of Bretonnia on Royal Pegasus
– 12x Bretonnian Knights of the Realm
– 36x Bretonnian Men-at-Arms
– 24x Bretonnian Peasant Bowmen with 2x Defence Stakes bases
– 3x Bretonnian Pegasus Knights
It also contains the following rules, and gaming accessories:
– 1x 352-page Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook
– 1x 16-page Kingdoms of Bretonnia Edition Construction Guide & Introductory Muster List
– 1x 4-page Warhammer: The Old World Reference Sheet
– 1x Bretonnian Transfer Sheet containing 176 transfers
– 20x six-sided D6 dice
– 1x six-sided scatter dice
– 2x 18 red plastic measuring sticks
– 3x weapon templates in translucent orange plastic
Across the Old World, mighty kings and powerful warlords raise glorious armies and grim hordes without number.
When the evil forces gather, and darkness presses in upon the realms of Men, bold heroes muster gleaming hosts in the defence of their homes. Throughout Bretonnia, the earth trembles with the thunder of galloping hooves as noble knights charge to war.
The Bretonnians are a warlike and valiant people who willingly seek out battle as a way of securing personal honour and pride. Their armies are feared and respected throughout the Old World, marching to war in the name of the Lady of the Lake, and sweeping aside all opposition on the field of battle.
Kingdom of Bretonnia Edition
Warhammer: The Old World is an exciting tabletop game for two or more players. This core box contains the main rules of the game, enough miniatures for one player to create their own Bretonnian army, plus gaming accessories such as dice and templates. Take command of the glorious hosts of Bretonnia and lead them to victory against the armies of your opponents in the World of Legend.
All models come with their appropriate bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
Note that the horse heads provided in this kit are a random selection, and may differ from those pictured.
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Производите ги избирате со пребарување по www.depo.mk. Секој производ кој Ви се допаѓа го додавате во Вашата кошничка за купување. На крај, кликнувате на нарачај и ги внесувате Вашите еподатоци. Доколку сте регистрирани, системот автоматски ги памети Вашите податоци.
Колку чини испораката?
Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.
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Во зависност од местото каде треба да се достави, нарачките стигнуваат во период од 2 до 5 работни денови
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