⚠️⚠️⚠️ АКЦИЈА: Подарок крпа за плажа DUO TONE за секоја нарачка над 2000 денари ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Fire Kings Structure Deck

800.00 ден

Има залиха

The new Structure Deck featuring Jack Atlas comes with a total of 48 cards:

  • 5 Ultra Rares
  • 3 Super Rares
  • 40 Commons
SKU: KON08-9 Категорија: -> Како да нарачам?
Melt through the snow and ice this December with Structure Deck: Fire Kings!
EXTREME HEAT AHEAD! Melt through the snow and ice this December with Structure Deck: Fire Kings! Intensify your Deck’s firepower with brand-new Monster, Spell, and Trap Cards that unleash the true destructive power of Fire King High Avatar Garunix! Here is just some of what you can expect:

  • A new version of Fire King High Avatar Garunix takes the field! It can rise from the ashes (or fly down from your hand) any time one of your FIRE monsters are destroyed, then pump up its own ATK by consuming another monster from your hand, Deck, or field. Use this to activate your other “Fire King” monster effects or come up with your own combo strategies with other FIRE monsters!
  • A new Continuous Spell Card that can place Fire King Island right from your Deck into your Field Zone! It also protects your Field Spell from being destroyed and allows you to Xyz Summon during your opponent’s turn if they Special Summon a monster. There’s even a new Trap Card to set up the Xyz Summon’s materials, by Summoning 3 FIRE monsters – 1 each from your hand, Deck, and Graveyard.
  • A new Rank 8 Xyz Monster that shines brightest in a “Fire King” Deck, but can be Summoned using any 2 Level 8 monsters as materials, so you can include this card in a ton of other strategies too! If it’s Xyz Summoned, you can instantly reduce all other monsters on the field to cinders! After the monsters are taken care of, you destroy a Spell or Trap Card as well, while increasing your monster’s ATK!

You’ll also find another chance to grab popular cards that can help take your existing Deck to the next level!

Structure Deck: Fire Kings comes with a total of 48 cards:

5 Ultra Rares
3 Super Rares
40 Commons

*Name and contents subject to change.

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Колку чини испораката?

Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.

За колку време пристигнува нарачката.

Во зависност од местото каде треба да се достави, нарачките стигнуваат во период од 2 до 5 работни денови

Како може да платам?

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Што ако доцни нарачката?

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Да, може. Ставете го неговиот телефонски број за контакт и наведете ни дека е подарок.

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