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Paladone Batman – Batwing Posable Desk Light

4,490.00 ден3,367.50 ден (-25%)

Има залиха

  • Производител: Paladone
  • Висина: ≈ 60см.
  • Perfect gift: standing at 60cm tall (23.5in) and USB powered (with a 3m USB cable included) The Batman posable desk light is ideal for bedrooms or work spaces, and with a sleek Black design provides a great Batman themed home accessory. Ideal whatever your working space, The posable arm means you can focus the light to wherever you need it most
  • Super easy to use: this batwing light is easy enough for the whole family to use. Just simply plug in the USB cable and watch the dark night rise
SKU: LI24 Категорија: -> Како да нарачам?

Whether looking for that perfect final addition to a Batcave, or just wanting to let co-workers know you’re secretly a crime fighting vigilante in your downtime, this Batman themed desk light is a cool gift for any desk, study or bedside table.

Standing at 60cm tall (23.5in) and USB powered (with a 3m USB cable included) the Batman Posable Desk Light is ideal for bedrooms or work spaces, and with a sleek black design provides a great Batman themed home accessory. Ideal whatever your working space, the posable arm means you can focus the light to wherever you need it most.

Batman is an instantly recognizable brand, and has transcended his comic book origins to become a cultural icon for over 70 years. First appearing in Detective Comics in 1939, the crime fighting anti-hero is the vigilante alter ego of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. With films such as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Batman has been at the forefront of the resurgence in popularity of comic book superheroes in recent years, and remains a hero to both adults and children the world over.

The perfect gift for any comic book or superhero fan, the Batman Posable Desk Light is an officially licensed Batman product.


  • COLLECTABLE MERCHANDISE: Batman themed posable desk light
  • ICONIC DESIGN: Light shaped like the Batplane
  • USB POWERED: 3m USB cable included
  • OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE: Perfect gift for all Batman and DC Comics fans, this Batwing Postable Desk Light is officially licensed and approved by Warner Bros. Entertainment UK Limited.
  • DESIGNED IN THE UK: Designed responsibly in the UK by Paladone, the award winning, global selling, consumer products company.

Како да нарачам?

Производите ги избирате со пребарување по www.depo.mk. Секој производ кој Ви се допаѓа го додавате во Вашата кошничка за купување. На крај, кликнувате на нарачај и ги внесувате Вашите еподатоци. Доколку сте регистрирани, системот автоматски ги памети Вашите податоци.

Колку чини испораката?

Испораката до дома чини 150 денари.

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Во зависност од местото каде треба да се достави, нарачките стигнуваат во период од 2 до 5 работни денови

Како може да платам?

Постојат две опции. Може да платите со картичка или при примање на производите во готово.

Што ако доцни нарачката?

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Дали може да купам подарок и да се испорача некому?

Да, може. Ставете го неговиот телефонски број за контакт и наведете ни дека е подарок.

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Производите кои се купени од DEPO.mk можат да бидат вратени или заменети, во случај ако не соодветствуваат со описот на истиот.

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